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  • INVEST IN GEORGIA | Evo Business Consulting

    INFORMATION FOR INVESTMENT IN GEORGIA ​ ​ FOR INVESTMENT Within investments, the risks of the investment and its annual returns are the main factors to consider. To minimize the risks, you can diversify into several sectors or opt to obtain less return on the investment. The sectors we dominate completely and we advise for their profitability are of low to medium risk. On our part, we carry out and look for investments which give us peace of mind and stability in the medium and long term. ​ ​ * Profitability is subjected to specific product and project. Our goal is seek for the best option for you. ** Conservative - the security in your investment. Losses are unacceptable. *** Moderately conservative - there could be little bit of fluctuation in the investment returns without significant ups and downs. **** Balanced - few fluctuations to achieve a consistent growth. ​ ​ TAXES IN GEORGIA There are only six taxes in Georgia, of which five (personal income tax, corporate income tax, value added tax, excise tax and import tax) are nationwide and one (property tax) is a local tax. There are no capital gains inheritance, wealth, property transfer, social, branch remittance or other taxes imposed in Georgia. ​ In addition, Georgia has the possibility of creating companies within a FREE ZONE with important fiscal advantages. ​ We have to consider the advantage of the Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty signed between the Governments of Spain and Georgia in 2014. Georgia has 56 active agreements in this sense. ​ ​ ​ ​ OPENING COMPANY IN GEORGIA The constitution of a company in Georgia is quite fast. We can register any type of company once we have all the required documentation within a maximum period of 24 hours, after what you can start operating with it. Legal Forms of Enterprises in Georgia. The Law of Georgia on Entrepreneurs (hereinafter LOE) sets forth an exhaustive list of enterprises that can be established in Georgia and they are here as follows: ​ Joint Stock Company (JSC) Limited Liability Company (LLC) General Partnership (GP) Limited Partnership (LP) Cooperative (CO) Individual Enterprise (IE) ​ The regulations contained in the LOE equally apply to foreign and local companies. Therefore, foreign nationals are eligible to incorporate legal entities enlisted herein, considering the absence of any applicable legal limitation. ​ A company registered under the laws of Georgia must have its Charter (otherwise referred as Articles of Association, Bylaws) containing the identification data of the company and rules governing the corporate structure. The Charter must be presented to the Public Registry for the registration purposes and should be maintained at the company itself. Stipulated that the Charter of the company is publicly available, the founder(s) of the company may additionally conclude the Shareholders creditors is limited to its entire property LLC may be established by any individual or legal entity. The capital of the company is divided into shares and unlike the JSC, the partners thereof can not issue any additional shares. ​ ​ WHY INVEST IN GEORGIA ​ ​ Advantages of doing business in Georgia: ​ A politically stable investment destination Efficient, pro-business and corruption-free government Enlargement of market size by Free Trade Agreements Competitive cost of labor and energy Entry gate in the region Solid sovereign balance sheet Stable banking sector Ranked 7th from 190 countries in Ease of Doing Business 2020 (World Bank Group) ​ ​ ​ ​ EASE OF DOING BUSINESS 2020 (WBG) ​ ​

  • Financial and Legal Advisory | Evo Business Consulting | Services

    OUR SERVICES ​ ​ We Advise: ​Legal & Taxes Financial & Accounting Marketing & Distribution Information Technologies Licenses & Permits Investments We manage: ​Public and private procurements Construction projects Investment projects Investment portofolios Human Resources Purchases of Land & Equipment We Facilitate: ​Access to the markets Access to the local professionals Communications with official bodies We perform: ​Consulting & Management Investments Company constitution Accounting & Auditing Complex & FIDIC contracts Legal procedural roadmaps Business Plans Market research Additionally: ​Personal assistance in all aspects for your stay and establishment in the country Establish company in Georgia Invest in Georgia

  • Financial and Legal Advisory | Evo Business Consulting | Contacto

    ​ CONTACT US ​ Contact e-mail: ​ ​ Head Office in Tbilisi ​ Evo Business Consulting LLC Pekini Ave, 37, 0160, Saburtalo Tbilisi, Georgia Phone: +995 599 072 212 ​ ​ Branch Office 1 in Tbilisi ​ Evo Business Consulting LLC Baron de Bai Str 38, 0113, Didi Dighomi , Tibilisi , Georgia Phone: + 995 599 530 086 Branch Office 2 in Tbilisi ​ Evo Business Consulting LLC Gakhokidze Str 59, 0192, Varketili , Tbilisi , Georgia Phone: +995 555 653 991 ​ ​ Internationes Branch Office in Barcelona ​ Evo Business Consulting LLC Aragón, 108, bajos 08015, Barcelona, España Phone / Whatsapp: + 34 688 412 941 ​ ​ Send

  • Establish Company in Georgia | EVO Business Consulting | LLC, Vitual Zone, JSC

    KNOW THE ADVANTAGES OF DOING BUSINESS IN AND FROM GEORGIA Open the company in Georgia and operate all over the world with all the fiscal, tariff and governmental advantages that this magnificent Country offers. ​ ​ TAXES ARE LOW AND VERY COMFORTABLE TO PAY IN GEORGIA ​ Companies with Virtual Zone Person* status are exempt from VAT (18%) and corporation tax (15%) . They should only be taxed on capital withdrawn in the form of a dividend paid to partners. The dividend tax is 5%. ​ The Georgia incorporated Limited Liability Company (LLC) is not required to pay corporation tax (15%) until the partners of the company withdraw the dividends , even if this occurs years after generating such profit. ​ Companies incorporated in Georgia's Free Industrial Zone are exempt from all company taxes : VAT (18%), corporation tax (15%), dividend tax (5%), property tax (1%), customs taxes (up to 18%). Only workers' income tax (20% of salary) must be paid. * Virtual Zone Person - is a company with the certificate issued by the Ministry of Finance that enables the company to stop paying VAT (18%) and corporate tax (15%) on income generated outside the country in exchange of an information technology product or service produced within Georgian territory. Information technology product or service includes: study, development, implementation, support and administration of computer information systems, that is, software and computer equipment processing products. ​ ​ ADVANTAGES OF DOING BUSINESS IN GEORGIA ​ A politically stable investment destination Efficient, business-friendly and corruption-free governance Crypto-friendly government. Blockchain based Public registry. Market size expansion by free trade agreements Competitive cost of labor and energy. Gateway to the region Solid sovereign balance Stable banking sector Ranked 7th out of 190 countries in Ease of Doing Business 2020 (World Bank Group) ​ ​ ​ WE DO "CUSTOM SUITS" ​ We put ourselves in the shoes of our clients and offer them the solutions that best suit the path to their goals. Our values are: Passion and Impetus, Honesty, Professionalism, Teamwork and Attention. At EVO we are a Spanish-Georgian team of legal and financial consulting. Our company is incorporated under Georgian law and we work internationally. The EVO family is made up of different specialized professionals who provide full coverage to all the needs that may arise in the development of the Project. These are legal, financial, accounting, translators, administrative technicians, engineers, and industry specialists. ​ ​ GIVING SOLUTIONS CONTACT US Whatsapp Email Phone ​ ​ THE WAYS TO ESTABLISH AN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN GEORGIA ​ When we decided to set out to create a company in Georgia, be it personal, family, limited liability (LLC) or a corporate one, we are faced with many doubts that, from the EVO Business Consulting team, we will solve all of them, in addition to that you will find many opportunities and tax benefits compared to other European countries, and you must meet very basic requirements for the formation of a company. ​ Every company requires incorporation documents to obtain a tax identification number that allows us to operate within Georgian and international law. ​ The procedures and documentation for the creation or opening of companies and their current bank accounts is very simple. We will help you at all times. EVO Business Consulting has a professional human team with a great experience and ability to solve all your doubts and needs, giving you complete advice on everything related to the company, from the constitution, opening of bank accounts, registration in the Georgian Revenue Service Agency, execution of all types of contracts, general business management and accounting. In addition, the EVO team will accompany you at all times, personally, in the necessary steps for the creation of the company, which, carried out in person, require 48 working hours, ending them with the company fully operational. In these procedures we have a long history and both business and personal experience of more than 10 years in the country. ​ EVO ensures that the name of the company chosen by the client is available. In counseling we look for the best tax alternatives for your companyor enterprise within the Georgia legal framework and thus meet the needs that are required for each of the different businesses or activities that the client wishes to incorporate into it. ​ From the EVO team we will be happy to give you all the details and information personally. And by involving them in our EVO business and personal motto, Giving Solutions, we will be happy to assist you personally. (Contact us by Whatsapp ) ​ Below we present the legal forms or type of companies that can be created in Georgia: ​ Joint-Stock Company (JSC) Limited Liability Company (LLC) General Partnership (GP) Limited Partnership (LP) Cooperative (CO) Individual Enterprise (IE) ​ ​ DOWNLOAD THE PDF IN ENGLISH TO LEARN MORE DETAILS ABOUT ESTABLISHING BUSINESS IN GEORGIA ​ ​

  • Invest in Gerogia | Evo Business Consulting | Info Georgia

    INFORMATION FOR INVESTMENT IN GEORGIA ​ ​ FOR INVESTMENT Within investments, the risks of the investment and its annual returns are the main factors to consider. To minimize the risks, you can diversify into several sectors or opt to obtain less return on the investment. The sectors we dominate completely and we advise for their profitability are of low to medium risk. On our part, we carry out and look for investments which give us peace of mind and stability in the medium and long term. ​ ​ * Profitability is subjected to specific product and project. Our goal is seek for the best option for you. ** Conservative - the security in your investment. Losses are unacceptable. *** Moderately conservative - there could be little bit of fluctuation in the investment returns without significant ups and downs. **** Balanced - few fluctuations to achieve a consistent growth. ​ ​ TAXES IN GEORGIA There are only six taxes in Georgia, of which five (personal income tax, corporate income tax, value added tax, excise tax and import tax) are nationwide and one (property tax) is a local tax. There are no capital gains inheritance, wealth, property transfer, social, branch remittance or other taxes imposed in Georgia. ​ In addition, Georgia has the possibility of creating companies within a FREE ZONE with important fiscal advantages. ​ We have to consider the advantage of the Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty signed between the Governments of Spain and Georgia in 2014. Georgia has 56 active agreements in this sense. ​ ​ ​ ​ OPENING COMPANY IN GEORGIA The constitution of a company in Georgia is quite fast. We can register any type of company once we have all the required documentation within a maximum period of 24 hours, after what you can start operating with it. Legal Forms of Enterprises in Georgia. The Law of Georgia on Entrepreneurs (hereinafter LOE) sets forth an exhaustive list of enterprises that can be established in Georgia and they are here as follows: ​ Joint Stock Company (JSC) Limited Liability Company (LLC) General Partnership (GP) Limited Partnership (LP) Cooperative (CO) Individual Enterprise (IE) ​ The regulations contained in the LOE equally apply to foreign and local companies. Therefore, foreign nationals are eligible to incorporate legal entities enlisted herein, considering the absence of any applicable legal limitation. ​ A company registered under the laws of Georgia must have its Charter (otherwise referred as Articles of Association, Bylaws) containing the identification data of the company and rules governing the corporate structure. The Charter must be presented to the Public Registry for the registration purposes and should be maintained at the company itself. Stipulated that the Charter of the company is publicly available, the founder(s) of the company may additionally conclude the Shareholders creditors is limited to its entire property LLC may be established by any individual or legal entity. The capital of the company is divided into shares and unlike the JSC, the partners thereof can not issue any additional shares. ​ ​ WHY INVEST IN GEORGIA ​ ​ Advantages of doing business in Georgia: ​ A politically stable investment destination Efficient, pro-business and corruption-free government Enlargement of market size by Free Trade Agreements Competitive cost of labor and energy Entry gate in the region Solid sovereign balance sheet Stable banking sector Ranked 7th from 190 countries in Ease of Doing Business 2020 (World Bank Group) ​ ​ ​ ​ EASE OF DOING BUSINESS 2020 (WBG) ​ ​

  • | Financial and Legal Advisory | Evo Business Consulting | Tbilisi

    ALMERIA MODEL Our project consists of making the Georgian market known to Spanish companies and presenting to Georgian companies and institutions the successful economic development model of Almería and the companies installed there, all with the aim of establishing economic relations between companies and institutions of both countries, as well as transmitting the knowledge and experience of the Almeria Agroindustrial Model. This project is being developed jointly with the Almería Chamber of Commerce and with the close collaboration of The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. May 20, 2019 Presentation of Business Opportunities in Georgia On May 20, 2019 the presentation of the the business opportunities in Georgia was held at the Almeria Chamber of Commerce facilities. See next performance > Close

  • | Financial and Legal Advisory | Evo Business Consulting | Tbilisi

    ALMERIA MODEL Our project consists of making the Georgian market known to Spanish companies and presenting to Georgian companies and institutions the successful economic development model of Almería and the companies installed there, all with the aim of establishing economic relations between companies and institutions of both countries, as well as transmitting the knowledge and experience of the Almeria Agroindustrial Model. This project is being developed jointly with the Almería Chamber of Commerce and with the close collaboration of The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. May 21-25, 2019 Trade mission to Almeria Visit to companies, cooperatives and research centres Visit to companies, cooperatives and research centres Visit to companies, cooperatives and research centres Visit to companies, cooperatives and research centres 1/10 During May 21-25, 2019 companies and officials from Georgia visited companies and institutions of Almeria Agro Cluster as well as the international fair Info Agro. Close

  • Financial and Legal Advisory | Evo Business Consulting | EVO

    ABOUT US ​ ​ EVO Business Consulting LTD was founded in 2015 due to the synergy of development in Georgia and the petition of the different entities of the country. Given the long international trajectory of our team in the sector and being part of Planet Cluster Group, having developed projects of the sector in different countries with the same needs Georgia has at the moment, we decided to put our grain of sand to improve it in the country. ​ The EVO family is composed of different specialized professionals giving full coverage to all the needs that may arise in the development of the Project. These are Legal Advisers, Financiers, Accountants, Translators, Administratives Technicians, Engineers and Specialists of the sector. ​ ​ Our philosophy: is total transparency, humility and cordiality in our work environment, whether internal or external and, in addition, a personal treatment. Our mission: is to reduce the time of completion and management to achieve the objectives of our customers. Our priority: is the personal and economic development of the inhabitants of the country Georgia. ​ WHY TO WORK WITH US ​ That is a good question. The decision you have to make is important and I do not know if we can give you the answer that would most like you or be of interests of your company. Beyond the requirements that the client presents to us, we do not know the style of the management, the needs of the company or the market situation that is facing and we do not know the management of other consulting companies to compare. There is only one thing we know well is OURSELVES, and we are sure that we can excel by doing our work with effort, dedication and perseverance. We have the knowledge and experience to face any project with confidence and the desire to improve ourselves in the challenges that undoubtedly and corporately will arise. And above all, we are passionate about this market and we are determined to give the best of ourselves to keep developing projects. ​ The EVO Team. ​ ​ OUR VALUES ​ ​ Passion and Impetus Passion in everything we do, working together with our clients for their greatest success. Impetus in management with the highest quality and professionalism applying it through ethical standards everywhere we perform. ​ ​ Teamwork Based on the respect and trust created from the daily journey, we give support to eachother in all processes and interactions to channel all our energies towards success. ​ Honesty Our personal honesty is to say it as it is, to be transparent in our work. To understand the needs of others, avoiding as much as possible divergences between our team and our client. ​ ​ The Attention Listen and understand both our team and the client. Knowing how to receive the necessary information to generate the solution. ​ ​ Professionalism Our greatest value is professionalism at work, in order to convert joint decisions into real actions. We treat our objectives with maximum integrity and punctuality.

  • Financial and Legal Advisory | Evo Business Consulting | Tbilisi

    Developing Export Potential of Georgia Our Projects

  • Downloads | Financial and Legal Advisory | Evo Business Consulting | Tbilisi


  • Financial and Legal Advisory | Evo Business Consulting | Expertise

    OUR EXPERTISE ​ ​ Agriculture ​ Energy Real Estate ​ Information Technologies Investment & Finacning ​ Legal, Tax & Audit

  • Financial and Legal Advisory | Evo Business Consulting | Projects


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